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Who is Linda?



Linda is a certified Life Coach, Intuitive/Medium and Reiki Practitioner with 30 years of business experience in the healthcare industry. In addition, Linda is a certified teacher and holds a B.A. degree in psychology. Put that all together and you have a counselor/healer with extensive life experience who provides guidance from both a trained and intuitive perspective.  

About Journey To The Self

Learn how to create the life you desire through guided self-discovery, the Law of Attraction, and connection to spirit.     

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work?

Everything in the universe is made up of energy...including our thoughts. The energy we project out into the universe attracts matching energies into our lives. The vibrational energy of positive thoughts and actions attracts positive experiences into our reality. Negative thoughts attract more negatives for us to think about and experience. Like attracts like.

Using the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire

Using Law of Attraction techniques and guidance from spirit, Linda helps clients to gain clarity about their desires and life purpose. Positive thoughts coupled with positive actions bring positive results.  

Intuitive Life Coaching


Learn how to be a deliberate creator of the life you desire. Allow Linda to intuitively guide you to your highest potential. She can help you to balance your life by identifying blockages in your energy field that are holding you back from the life you desire. If one area of your life is out of balance it impacts all other areas. Once blockages are removed, the desired path becomes clear and achievable. The beauty of your true self comes shining through. 

Intuitive Readings


As an Intuitive/Medium, Linda receives and delivers messages from spirit, including deceased loved ones who are anxious to connect. Spirit guides are always around us, even if we are unaware of their presence. Receiving such messages can have a profound healing effect on us. The guidance comes from a place of love and light, not fear. Allow Linda to bring you peace of mind by connecting with your spirit guides or a departed a loved one.

Intuitive Reiki


Reiki energy healing helps to relieve stress and promote healing, bringing balance to mind, body and spirit. The Reiki healing experience is enhanced by Linda's intuitive gifts. She receives messages from deceased loved ones and spirit guides throughout the treatment, which she shares at the end of the session. Her goal is to shed light on hidden emotional and spiritual issues that need to be addressed moving forward, with the help of spirit. 

Contact Linda:


Telephone:  484-904-9268

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